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Greywater Action offers workshops on installing Greywater systems, and their web site is packed with information on Greywater, composting toilets, rainwater harvesting, dams, river restoration, sewers, and more. Web site also includes information on their publications, including "Dam Nation". Online Contact Form: greywateraction.org/contact
Surfrider's mission is protection and enjoyment of oceans, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network. They develop campaigns in multiple communities to protect oceans in the categories of Clean Water, Beach Access and Preservation, and Protecting Special Places.
Accutest Laboratories is a nationwide environmental testing laboratory that tests water, soil, and air as well as many other specialized tests. Drinking water tests offered: Inorganic Chemistry (Perchlorate only).
A rainwater catchment installation company that offers seamless gutters, rain barrels, large capacity tanks, pumps, filters, rain chains, and more. Will assess your roof system and help you to determine whether you can harvest potable water or if it's best to create a system for plant watering. Proposals are offered free of charge for clients in San Diego area.
Alternative Solutions, Inc. sells food grade containers that can be used for rain water catchment systems, composters, grey water systems, emergency drinking water storage, and much more. They offer sizes ranging from 2.5 gallons up to 275 gallons. They have two locations.
Promotes rainwater catchment systems in the United States through educational opportunities and the exchange of information at Web site and nationwide workshops.
Leads conservation efforts to restore and preserve rivers for future generations.
A California-based manufacturer and retailer of water storage tanks. For further information you can also contact support@watertanks.com
Online source for rain barrels. Aquabarrel's rain barrel designs are developed by actual users of rain barrels. In-Stock rain barrels range in size from 30 gallons to 214 gallons. Carries downspout filters, downspout diverters, first flush roof washers, and mosquito control products too. Offers inexpensive parts kits (drill bits included) for making your own rain barrel.
Largest statewide coalition of public water agencies in the US with over 430 members. Represents over 90% of water used in California. Promotes best water management practices via research and advocacy. ACWA’s involvement at the state and federal level has helped shape laws and policies that affect ACWA member agencies and their customers. Check their website for upcoming workshops, seminars, and other ways to get involved.
BAWSCA represents the interests of 25 cities and water districts, and two private utilities, that purchase water wholesale from the San Francisco regional water system. The entities provide water to 1.7 million people, businesses and community organizations in Alameda, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties.
Environmental consultant who offers comprehensive environmental planning and engineering, wastewater and water quality planning.
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